Ayurveda and Yoga share a lineage that precedes the age of written medium. Ancient Rishis (sages) handed down the secrets of these two disciplines through an oral discipline. Generating after generation the information was carefully verified and maintained to ensure accuracy and continuity. Today, we benefit from the generations of hard work of that lineage of our ur ancestors. This textbook has been designed to instruct the student whe wishes to pursue a path to develop knowledge of Yoga Therapy Yoga, or Ayurvedic medicine. These fundamentals presented bere are a first step toward a full understanding of the complexities and subtleties of these disciplines that ultimately must be learned through their practice over many years. Both of these disciplines are grounded in practical experience of each individual. While science today tends to treat all human beings as essentially the same, both Yoga and Ayurveda recognize the uniqueness of each
human being, as well as the divine link that joins all of us together. Our bodies allow each of us to become a unique laboratory where the practical application of both Yoga and Ayurveda can show directly visible and palpable results.
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